Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Attention Wal Mart Shoppers!!!

Can someone explain to me how this happened?  Unlimited food stamp spending?

I have several questions:

  1. Who put out the APB that the EBT was limitless? 
  2. Who fills 9 or 10 carts full of groceries at Wal Mart apiece?  Seriously? 
  3. Where the heck do you put 9 or 10 carts of groceries in a house you occupy while on public assistance? 
  4. What kind of a freaky thief do you have to be to do this? 
Since I've learned SNAP isn't paying for this, and it's a fight between Wal Mart and Xerox, I think it's kind of funny.  I'm still left wondering what planet Wal Mart acquires these shoppers from. 

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